
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bayani Fernando should resign

"As this disastrous flood subsides, so should his presidential or senatorial hopes go down the drain"

A little stroll down memory lane:

Just a mere four months ago, Senator Francis Escudero scored the MMDA on its "failure" to address the problem of flash floods in Metro Manila, in the aftermath of the typhoon 'Emong'. He demanded that the agency "disclose" how the 500-million peso budget for its flood control program was spent.

And we quote the senator, in this report that appeared in the news website, words that now have an eerie prescience:

"Metro Manila was not even one of the areas being directly affected by typhoon Emong but flash floods still hit some of the cities. I ask the MMDA, can we expect more floods come the rainy season?

"We have seen how the MMDA wields its authority in clearing sidewalks of vendors when it wants to. Why then can it not wield the same authority when it comes to flood control?"

Sen. Escudero added that P221 million of the MMDA's anti-flood budget is allocated for the maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of drainage systems and facilities.

Reacting to this, MMDA Chair Bayani Fernando defended his agency's flood control efforts, saying that they have not been "remiss" in their duties.

The hundreds who lost loved ones, livelihood and property, in the devastation wrought by typoon 'Ondoy', would beg to disagree.

Like Sen. Escudero, the urban poor is up in arms over the MMDA's zeal in attacking sidewalk vendors and demolishing poor communities, and yet could not solve one basic problem of the metro.

Yes, Mr. Fernando, you are right. It is your fault. And possibly of your cohorts in the administration as well. As this disastrous flood subsides, so should your presidential or senatorial hopes go down the drain. Perhaps even that of your standard bearer, NDCC Chair Gilbert Teodoro, as well.

At a time of massive unemployment, poverty, and hunger, we cannot tolerate this glaring failure of government at such a basic public service. (Please see accompanying post re: appeal for help from urban poor families ravaged by 'Ondoy') Heads should roll, and, more importantly, the capacity for leadership and service of people who are involved in this tragedy, especially those seeking higher positions next year, should be reexamined.

And so we demand, as former Senator Ernesto Maceda also called for in his column today (Wednesday): Bayani Fernando should resign. ##

For further detals, please contact Jon Vincent Marin, Kadamay PIO | 0910.975.7660

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